Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Holly Hansen Classes

NE1502 : Introduction to the New Family History Catalog: Use it Like a Pro
This class is required! Learn how to find records in this amazing Library of almost 3 million reels of microfilm, 500,000 printed and manuscript books, with supporting online databases (9,000), and much, much more on 5 full floors! Or in other words: How to find and correctly document your ancestors without being intimidated by the sheer magnitude of the records available.

WB1601 : Billions of Historical Records on

With more than 5.34 billion searchable (indexed) names in Historical Records on as of December 2015, how many additional billions of un-indexed names are available for research? There are more records available than you are aware of!

Lisa Ratzlaff Classes 2016

Finding Your Cousins
What do you do when your genealogy is "all done"? Find out why you would want to find your ancestors' descendants. Learn the five steps of finding your cousins using and FamilySearch Family Tree, FamilySearch Historical Records, and Find where to start for the most success. Come find your cousins!

Basic Training: Finding Your Ancestor in Military Records
Fall into formation! At ease! As part of your basic training, you will be introduced to the paper trail of military records (in triplicate), learn what records are available, what they may contain, and where to find them.

Tapping Your Inner Sherlock: Sleuthing Records
Take a leaf from Sherlock Holmes to get the most out of historical records. Use the same methods Sherlock used to see if a record matches your ancestor and to find all the clues a record holds. Discover how one record can lead to other records, and how putting records together gives more information.

Lisa Ratzlaff

Lisa Ratzlaff began her genealogy training at the age of 12, when she and her best friend rebelled and attend the Genealogy class instead of their regular Sunday School class.  This opened up the world of Family History and Genealogy to her.  She has enjoyed researching the lives of her pioneer ancestor, and discovering ancestors and their families.  Formerly an Assistant Director at the Family History Training Center, Lisa currently serves as a Specialist for the Outreach Support Missionary Team and as a Family History Consultant. She has trained hundreds of people, from beginners to advanced students, in family history research.  An unforgettable presenter, Lisa has a knack for keeping you both engaged and smiling.  Lisa and her husband have four children and eight grandchildren.

Create and Share an Interactive Family History

Create and Share an Interactive Family History
We all have photos hanging on our walls and many in our family room. Just think how much attention you could get from your children and grandchildren if your photos could speak to them when they stand in front of the photo. Even better, the photo can make it possible (using a QR Code on the photo) to play a little movie or slideshow. (you’ve seen QR codes on packages and at the BYU Family History Library – they look like little squares full of  black dots).
Sound impossible, expensive, or hard? You will be amazed at how simple this is to achieve and everything you need to use is FREE! You will be taught how to do this at home on your computer.
You will also see and learn how to turn any calendar into a talking family history calendar.
Two goals for this class:
  1. Get kids and grandchildren interested in family history in a fun and interesting way. 
  2. Eliminate the need for a computer to see the video and hear the stories. All they need is a smartphone (and they or their parents will have the phone). You can also easily project audio or video stories to your TV in the same room. The device to do this is only $35 dollars at BestBuy but you only need this if you want to use your TV.
It’s OK to be skeptical – seeing is believing – so please come to the class. It’s not rocket science – you really can do this even if you are a novice computer user. There is also a webinar you can watch online that has all the steps.

Organizing Files


1. The value of being organized.

 Contributes to better research and recording research results

 Allows the individual to save time in the research and recording


 Helps the individual find information quickly

 Provides a place to store and keep your files

 Establishes a consistent system not random and scattered

 Reduces frustration and loss of information

2. Many different ways to organizing your files

 Need to find the method that works best for you. Your system will

change over time with experience

 Should be a simple and consistent filing method

 Learn from other individuals systems and take parts that work for


 Use both paper and electronic files. Your system should work for


3. The how and why of organizing files.

 You need to understand the different type files you want to organize

 If you use both paper and electronic, they should be set up the same

 Begin organizing what you have

 Using manila folders, 3 ring binders

 Do you have a file cabinet, portable carriers to keep physical files

 Color coding files that match pedigree and generation charts

 Organize as you go

 Stick to your system

4. Suggestions that will help with your organization

 Start with what you know about your family. Family group sheet

record for each file

 Label each file by the family name

 When a family member marries you begin a new file for that family


 Keep good notes (both paper and digital). Note taking should be the

same. Keep a file for your notes with each family group

 You need pedigree charts for each family group

 Keep accurate research logs for each family group. It is important to

keep good records of the research you have done, where it is kept,

and how to access it. Especially that information you may have put

on your computer. It is important to have copy in your paper files

 You will keep photo copies of source documents in each file. The

photo copies should include pictures and artifacts

 Continue adding to document files

 Your goal is to organize your files so you can find the information


Ancestral Quest by Michael Kennedy 2016

Pahvant Family History Conference
Ancestral Quest Syllabus

Instructor:           Michael A. Kennedy
Program Manager
    IV.            Description
a.       Incline Software are the makers of Ancestral Quest and PAF.  If you are familiar with PAF then the learning curve to understand the latest features of Ancestral Quest will be easy.  Ancestral Quest is a full partner with and fully integrated with FamilySearch.  It is the easiest and most versatile genealogy program on the market.  This course will demonstrate how to integrate your family records in FamilySearch, use its capabilities to automatically update your records from FamilySearch, and simplify the process of taking your family names to the temple.  No other product allows for easier merging of duplicate records, correcting FamilySearch errors and tracking your research.
      V.            Organization
a.       This is a lecture course using a PowerPoint presentation demonstrating some of the many features of Ancestral Quest and how to collaborate with others.   The course will be interactive where you can present your real live questions and experiences.  The course is designed for beginners to advanced.
    VI.            Topics
a.       Emphasis on Ancestral Quest features:
                                                               i.      Structure and Navigation
                                                             ii.      Some of the advanced features such as merging duplicates, FamilySearch integration and how to automate updates.  How to auto check for updates on temple name submissions.  How to roll back changes.
                                                            iii.      Database check and repair
                                                           iv.      Ordinance Reservation and Tracking System
                                                             v.      Integration with and other search sites.
                                                           vi.      Bookmarks and Tags
                                                          vii.      Where to check for Possible Duplicates and merge the duplicate record to your master record

FamilySearch Course by Michael Kennedy

Instructor:           Michael A. Kennedy
Program Manager
        I.            Description
a.       The ultimate aim with Church family history is to “to become Saviors on Mt. Zion.  We know that one of the primary tasks to achieve this is performing the saving ordinances we have received and enabling those who are deceased to have those same blessings especially those of our own family.  This course will help you to understand how to generate and print out your own temple cards.  In addition, how to check that the ordinance work has not been previously performed and removing duplicate records.
      II.            Organization
a.       This is a lecture course using a PowerPoint presentation demonstrating the process, tips, and what to watch out for.  The course will be interactive where you can present your real live questions and experiences.  The course is designed for beginners.
    III.            Topics
a.       How to navigate FamilySearch Ordinances and understand what you are seeing
b.      Where to check for Possible Duplicates and merge the duplicate record to your master record
c.       Understand where you find your reserved names and work within the reservation system from reserving names to printing temple cards.  I’ll demonstrate how to assign temple work to others (family members or the Church temple system).

Making Family History Cards and Calendars by Marlo Schuldt

Greeting cards and personalized calendars are a great way to teach and share family history with everyone – relatives, kids and grandkids. You can make very simple cards and calendars. I know you can do this because I have a 6 year old grandson that loves to make cards to send to his grandma. In fact many of my grandkids make and send cards to us. It’s another way to bond with and teach your grandchildren about the truly important things in life – family relationships, heritage, and how gospel experiences have made a difference in your life.
There are several times a year when you can make cards to send and to put some old photos that teach or get them asking questions about who the people are that provides and opportunity for you to start teaching them about their heritage with a smile on your face!
Please come to the class if it’s only to get some ideas of the fun and powerful things you can do making calendars and cards!

Find My Past by Karolyn Warnich

FindMyPast has become one of the pre-eminent websites for anyone doing British research. In particular, they have over 1 billion records from the British Isles. Over 1,000 of all their collections can be found only on FindMyPast and most of these are likely British.

The largest collection of records for FindMyPast are in the UK and Ireland collections. In 2012, FindMyPast moved into the US and Canadian market, becoming a partner is the digitization and indexing of the 1940 census. According to their website, they have 18 million registered users and 1.8 billion records. Their model is to actively partner with libraries and archives including FamilySearch, the British Library, the New England Historic Genealogical Society, the National Archives (UK) and Eneclann among others.

Findmypast is home to a massive collection of newspapers, especially from England Ireland. Our partnership with the British Newspaper Archive ( has added more than 11 million pages of newspaper images to the Findmypast site, and the goal is to digitize up to 40 million pages from the vast collection at the British Library. For most of these papers, this is the first time they have been made available online.

Michael Kennedy

Mike joined the church at age 18 and is the first of Joseph and Emma’s descendants to hold the Melchizedek Priesthood in the offices of Elder, Seventy and High Priest.  He is the first descendant of the Prophets family to receive his endowments.

He is the President and Executive Director of the Joseph Smith Jr. Family Organization and the Joseph Smith Jr and Emma Hale Smith Historical Society created 1985 & 2006 respectively.   He was the Executive Producer of the movie released in theaters throughout the country, “Emma Smith, My Story.  In addition, he has produced the following films:  “The Times and Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith,  “Children of Joseph” and “Discovering Emma.”  Mike works in the Information Technology field and is a graduate of BYU.  He currently works with FamilySearch helping with the development of their technology and formerly the CTO of Propay (an online credit card processing and merchant service company), he has served 4 years as President of the Salt Lake City Chapter of InfraGard, which collaborates with the FBI in increasing the security of the United States critical infrastructures.

 He and his wife Darcy live in Alpine and have been married for over 42 years and have 6 children and 19 grandchildren. Darcy was born and raised in Nevada and works in the medical field. The missionaries found her at the age of 17 and became the only member of her family to join the church at that time.  She servers on the board of the Joseph Smith Jr. and Emma Hale Smith Historical Society.  She has co-authored the book “The Emma Smith We Know” and she calls her moment in the movie “Emma Smith My Story” her “fifteen seconds of fame.”

Marlo Schuldt

Marlo is the President of LifeStory Productions, Inc., an Orem, Utah based company that develops family history software and provides assistance to individuals desiring to gather, prepare, print, and share family history. With a BS and MS degrees from Brigham Young University, he recently patented the Heritage Collector Software. Father of five; grandfather of 13 including twin grandsons (grandkids are our reward for being parents). I’ve been working for 15 long years trying to figure out how to interest our children and grandchildren in family history – finally just figured it out and have just created a set of classes designed to teach our grandchildren how to get started in family history.