Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Review of the 2012 Conference

 Tomorrows the day.  Hope you can make it!
Registration at 8:00
Conference 8:30-3:30

Following our keynote address by Glenn Rawson,(see the post below for more information about him) there will be five different classrooms where instruction will be held, as well as some displays helping you understand other aspects of genealogy not addressed in a formal class.  The classrooms and the classes held there are divided as follows:

Classroom #1:  Basic Genealogy Series
  A. Are There Special Rules in Genealogy?   by Dave/Manja Midgley.  Actually, yes, and this class will help you follow them. Putting commas in the location field or do I need to put in "USA" are just two of the questions you may be asking. This will answer many more for you, and help you understand the "why's" behind the rules.
  B. If You Want This .... Look Here  by Dave/Manja Midgley. Want to know someones birth date? You probably won't find it in a father's will, but there are a lot of places it may be found. This class will share where information is most likely to be found including places you may never have thought to look including high school or college student records. A very useful class.
  C.  You Know Their Names - Do You Know Their Story? by Dave/Manja Midgley.   Using the genealogy software, you can add all different kinds of events into a family members individual data, creating a timeline that can help you get to know and understand your ancestor more completely.  This class will help you get to know so much more about your ancestor if you implement what is taught and gather all information and include it.
  D.  Genealogy Software Programs - Which One Do I Choose? by Dave/Manja Midgley.  Well, that is totally a preference call, but in this class you will learn the real gems of each different affiliate program and you will be able to make an informed decision.

Classroom #2:  Computer Sills - hands of series  (held in the computer lab)  first 27 to sign up will be allowed to work on a computer.  Email us at
  A. Where Do I Start - by Karen Chatland. A beginners class to help you know exactly how to get started for the beginning genealogist as well as the different events you can add to your data or information. Giving you suggestions on how to become successful right of the bat. 
  B.  Basic Computer - by Carol Meinhardt.  We have had so many people comment that the computer scares them.  We have added a class that will just focus on the computer and how to use it for your best benefit.  Very little will be taught about how to do genealogy in this class, but will focus on how to use this great tool called a computer.
  C.  Blogging Basics - by Allyson H. Wood.  What better way than to go through your files, confirm your information is correct, and then getting it out there to share.  Class one will focus on the basics of getting a blog online and show you just how easy it is to do.  We will discuss how to make your blog easy to navigate, as well as ways to coordinate working with others to publish information there.  A good working use of the computer and scanner will be helpful in understanding the class but not mandatary to get you excited and "blogging" your own family site.
  D.  Advanced Blogging - by Allyson H. Wood.  Don't miss part one, because this is a continuation, not a repeat.  We will discuss how to link to your other blogs, move posts to a different location, and my favorite way of accessing all my family links on a blog meant for quick retrieval.  We will discus a couple of easy html codes not found in blogging software that you can add to make your blog more appealing.  We will share more information to help personalize your blogs, and how to add your document links to the sources in new.FamilySearch. Prepare to learn how to have hours and hours of fun, for a very worth while purpose.
.......... Clean up FS Form.
.......... "Prove It" Blog - must be imported into blog after it has been set up.

Classroom #3:  Verify/Digitize Series (computer lab)  first 27 to sign up will be allowed to work on a computer.   Email us at  We have been called the "Verify and Digitize Generation".  As we work together, and share our documents and information more quickly and easily, others will not have to trace the same steps you have walked.  They can, instead, move forward into less travelled or undiscovered territory. 
  A.  Photo and Document Scanning and Editing -by Mike Bringhurst.  Using free software, lear n how easy it is to scan your files, label them and share them digitally.  How great would it be if everyone could share their old photos and precious documents with everyone in the family and basically for free.
  B.  new.FamilySearch [part 1] - by Tom and Cindy Urban.  The Church sponsored program is ever changing and has so much to offer.  Get to know your way around it, its purpose and how to help get "the book of life" correct and up to date.
  C.  new.FamilySearch [part 2] - by Tom and Cindy Urban.  You may have had no idea how much genealogy help there is at this site, and you may be surprised by how much new is coming all the time.  This class is not a repeat of the previous hour.  It continues on to help you discover this amazing tool.
  D.  Indexing - by Loreta Whicker.  What a blessing you indexers are in the lives of the genealogist and those deceased!  It is you that makes it easier to find our family names and have success as we research.  Come learn how to index so that you, too, can experience the great Spirit of Elijah.

Classroom #4:  Record Groups and How To Use Them Efficiently - a bit more advanced classes
  A.  Scandinavian Research  by John and Linda Larsen.  There are a few things you will need to know as you look for your ancestors from Denmark, Sweden and other Scandinavian areas. This class will give you hints and sites that will help you along the way. A must attend for anyone searching these areas.  Once you learn the basics of researching from this class, you should be ready to get right in and start looking for records of your own.
  B. Filing Basics/Starting Right - by Dean Wood. A class that will bless the novices life, but also those who have found themselves needing some suggestions on how to make their storage work better for them.
 C.  It's Here:  The 1940 Census -  by Gordon and Carolyn Casper.  All census are a bit different and this one is a goldmine of information.  However, knowing a bit about how to maneuver through it will help you find your family and the information you seek. 
  D.  But I've Already Checked the Church Records!  by Gordon and Carolyn Casper.  Now where do I go?  Church records are often the most viewed records for information about life events but there are many other places you can look.  This class will focus on other resources available in the United States and England.

Classroom #5:  What's Next?  for the genealogist who is pretty comfortable and ready to branch out.

  A. The Hidden Resources of by Claire V Brisson-Banks. has much to offer everyone who visits, online databases, online classes, online help, discussion areas, a research wiki, blogs, tech tips, a catalog, guides to help one research and so much more. This live online session will step through FamilySearch and take a look at the often not noticed resources available to help locate one's ancestors.
  B. Genealogy & Family History – The Perfect Social Media by Claire V Brisson-Banks.  Web 2.0 provides the perfect way to record and share family history. Internet and mobile-based tools are everywhere. New technology strategies allow for harnessing a network of genealogy communities and locating long lost relatives. Online collaboration, instant communications, e-family histories, documents online and virtual environments bring genealogical research into the 21st century.
  C.  Urban Research:  My Guy Is Like a Needle In a Haystack! by Julie Hammond.   But, if you know the secrets to researching large cities you may find your ancestors listed every year with vocation and address.  Urban research made easier - come and learn how.
  D.  British Isle Research: by Julie Hammond.  Time to go across the pond and get your feet wet in England and surrounding area?  This is where you will want to start.  This class will alleviate much of the fear you may experience as you begin looking through British records in your search to find more.

Not taught but handouts included:  Deciphering Handwriting - by Vivian Rowlette.   If you have seen the transition of writing through the years, you will know that it is a bit difficult to read old script.  There are some great helps, that will be shared in this class, to help you be able to more easily read it.  Learning some of the basics taught here will be a blessed tool to possess.

The notes from these classes will be compiled in a syllabus and available for presale at about $5 each.  This will help you in class as you know which notes you need to take, and allow you to read through the information presented in other classes.  There will only be a few extra ordered so be sure and pre-order yours.  The information will also be available online on this blog after the conference.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Looking forward to the 3rd Annual Conference with our keynote speaker:
Glenn Rawson is a radio and television personality known for being the voice of the inspirational stories on the Sounds of Sunday program and for being the writer, producer and host of KJZZ Television's The Joseph Smith Papers and KSL Television's History of the Saints TV series.
Rawson was born in Idaho. He joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at age 18 and later served as a Mormon missionary in Iowa. He received a bachelors degree in wildlife and range management at Brigham Young University and later received a masters degree in educational administration from Idaho State University.
For several years Rawson was a full-time seminary and institute teacher. He was also a frequent speaker at various Especially For Youth sessions. In 1995 Rawson was recruited by a fellow ward member Carl Watkins to share stories on a radio program entitled Sounds of Sunday on KLCE. Syndication of this program began in 2005. A collection of inspirational stories by Rawson entitled In the Midst of Thee has also been published.
Rawson is currently working on a Ph.D. in political science and constitutional law.
Rawson and his wife, the former Debra Hemsley, are the parents of seven children.